In Schwedt (Germany, Brandenburg) took place last meeting from the Polish and German teachers, before the forthcoming students mobility in the German-Polish border area. The teachers provide the program and the methodical-didactic realization of the planned student‘s mobility as well as its implementation in the school subjects and the school-based job-oriented measures. For example, teachers presented the didactic materials that were used to prepare students in German and Polish schools for the mobility and content that is edited in during mobility. The lecturers of the Institute for Economic Education presented how the intercultural competencies of the students can be developed during the practice contacts in the neighboring country and presented teaching materials. In a second step the participants of the meeting spoken about possibilities of establishing cross-border mobility after the end of the project.
During the meeting the participants also discussed about implementation from education fairs, as possible practical contact, in vocational orientation. This is particularly interesting for the Polish teachers, as the variety of fairs aimed at young people is in Germany particularly large. During the event the project participants learn how the topic of trade fairs can be embedded in the content of school-based vocational orientation measures. In particular, potentials of the study and education fair are emphasized that are explicitly addressed to students. This type of trade fairs does not exist in the Netherlands and Poland, so they are of particular relevance to these countries for cross-border practice contacts in Germany. The following day, teachers and lecturers attend the SAM study and education fair, which takes place annually in Schwedt.
Participants in the meeting in the German-Polish team included: Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych w Międzyrzeczu, Zespół Szkół Ogólnokoształcących w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim, Ehm Welk Oberschule in Angermünde as well as lecturers of the Wojewódzki Ośrodek Metodyczny, Lubuskie Kuratorium Oświaty (both: Gorzów Wielkopolski) and the Institut für Ökonomische Bildung (coordinator).
0_Program_4 Seminarium_Doskonalenie_Grupa_DE-PL
0_Programm_4 Praesnzveranstaltung_Fortbildung_Gruppe_PL-DE
1.1_PL_Vortrag SAM_ Europäische Nachbarregionen_gestalten
1.2_DE_Vortrag SAM_ Europäische Nachbarregionen_gestalten
3.1_PL_Targi jako cel wycieczki dydaktycznej
3.2_DE_Messe als Erkundungsort