What are the characteristics and potentials of our economic region? What is relevant in Career Orientation? The teachers from Angermünde in Brandenburg and Gorzów and Międzyrzecz in Poland introduced how they embedded and realized the topic in the vocational orientation. This was followed by an exchange of experience on methodical-didactic materials for the analysis of the economic areas as well as the conduct of practice contacts in the schools. The teachers developed plans for teaching.
In the course of the conference, the Polish and German teachers got to know the career choice passport (Berufswahlpass), an instrument used in Germany in the process of vocational orientation and is available in Polish. The representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of East Brandenburg (Industrie- und Handelskammer Ostbrandenburg), as well as representatives of regional companies, talked about stumbling blocks, obstacles and expectations in networking between schools and the local economy. A proposal was presented to develop a handout that will address schools and businesses and support networking.
The Polish and German partners collaborated with each other on a plan for the realization of practice contacts and planned how the pupils are prepared in terms of content, language and intercultural competences.
On the second day of the meeting, the teachers explored the company LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH in Schwedt and discussed how they prepare their students methodically and didactically for cross-border practice contacts.
In the meeting participated: Zespół Szkoł Ekonomicznch w Miedzyrzeczu, Zespół Szkół Ogolnokształcących w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim, Ehm Welk Oberschule in Angermünde and lecturers of the Wojewódzki Ośrodek Metodyczny in Gorzowie Wielkopolskim, Lubuskie Kuratorium Oświaty (both: Gorzow Wielkopolski) and the Institute of Economic Education (coordinator).
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